This page/site is NOT affiliated in any way with General Motors Corp., any of it's subsidiaries or with any other commercial entity that may be listed within.
This is a NON-PROFIT enthusiast site for those who enjoy Chevrolet Chevy II/Novas and is for informational and enjoyment purposes only.
The GM, Chevrolet, Chevy II, Nova logos and names are all registered trademarks of General Motors Corp.
The Buick, Pontiac, Oldsmobile and any other logos and names are all registered trademark of their own Automobile Corp.
Although GREAT care has been taken to ensure all available links on this site are safe, we accept NO responsibility for any losses or damages incurred by anyone using any link(s) on this site.
All Content & Pictures on or within this site are property of DAVID MEIER, unless otherwise stated!
chevynova.ca domain is registered and owned by DAVID MEIER.